The Chrysanthemum and the Dandelion
- Kuni Garu:
- Emperor Ragin of Dara.
- Mata Zyndu:
- Hegemon of Dara (deceased).
The Dandelion Court
- Jia Matiza:
- Empress of Jia; a skilled herbalist.
- Consort Risana:
- an illusionist and accomplished musician.
- Cogo Yelu:
- Prime Minister of Dara.
- Gin Mazoti:
- Marshal of Dara; Queen of Géjira; the greatest battlefield tactician of her age. Aya Mazoti is her daughter.
- Rin Coda:
- Imperial Farsight Secretary; childhood friend of Kuni.
- Mün Çakri:
- First General of the Infantry.
- Than Carucono:
- First General of the Cavalry and First Admiral of the Navy.
- Puma Yemu:
- Marquess of Porin; practitioner of raiding tactics.
- Théca Kimo:
- Duke of Arulugi.
- Dafiro Miro:
- Captain of the Palace Guards.
- Otho Krin:
- Chatelain to Emperor Ragin.
- Soto Zyndu:
- Jia’s confidante and adviser.
Kuni’s Children
- Prince Timu (nursing name: Toto-tika):
- Kuni’s firstborn; son of Empress Jia.
- Princess Théra (nursing name: Rata-tika):
- daughter of Empress Jia.
- Prince Phyro (nursing name: Hudo-tika):
- son of Consort Risana.
- Princess Fara (nursing name: Ada-tika):
- daughter of Consort Fina, who died in childbirth.
The Scholars
- Luan Zya:
- Kuni’s chief strategist during his rise who refused all titles; Gin Mazoti’s lover.
- Zato Ruthi:
- Imperial Tutor; leading Moralist of the age.
- Zomi Kidosu:
- prized student of a mysterious teacher; daughter of a farming-fishing family in Dasu (Oga and Aki Kidosu).
- Kon Fiji:
- ancient Ano philosopher; founder of the Moralist school.
- Ra Oji:
- ancient Ano epigrammatist; founder of the Fluxist school.
- Na Moji:
- ancient Xana engineer who studied the flights of birds; founder of the Patternist school.
- Gi Anji:
- modern philosopher of the Tiro states era; founder of the Incentivist school.
The Lyucu
- Pékyu Tenryo Roatan:
- leader of the Lyucu.
- Princess Vadyu Roatan (nicknamed “Tanvanaki”):
- the best garinafin pilot; daughter of Tenryo.
- Prince Cudyu Roatan:
- son of Tenryo.
The Gods of Dara
- Kiji:
- patron of Xana; Lord of the Air; god of wind, flight, and birds; his pawi is the Mingén falcon; favors a white traveling cloak.
- Tututika:
- patron of Amu; youngest of the gods; goddess of agriculture, beauty, and fresh water; her pawi is the golden carp.
- Kana and Rapa:
- twin patrons of Cocru; Kana is the goddess of fire, ash, cremation, and death; Rapa is the goddess of ice, snow, glaciers, and sleep; their pawi are twin ravens: one black, one white.
- Rufizo:
- patron of Faça; Divine Healer; his pawi is the dove.
- Tazu:
- patron of Gan; unpredictable, chaotic, delighting in chance; god of sea currents, tsunamis, and sunken treasures; his pawi is the shark.
- Lutho:
- patron of Haan; god of fisherman, divination, mathematics, and knowledge; his pawi is the sea turtle.
- Fithowéo:
- patron of Rima; god of war, the hunt, and the forge; his pawi is the wolf.